Wittgenstein Screaming


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“Wittgenstein Screaming” oil on Cardboard 30x25 (2023)

Serie: "Screamers / no:2"

What was the fact make Wittgenstein remain in silence? His tiny but most famous work Tractatus was a list of arguments which complain about all of the massive works trying to expose reality, finding truth or examine material. In the beginning of 20th century he exposed that all of the history of philosophy, all of the struggle happened to reach the real knowledge was stucked to one obstacle named “language”. This obstacle was little bit creepy, it was a tool that showing what we know but at the same time it covering all what we know with an unpredictable curtain. According to Wittgenstein, all what we do is about, with, in, on, at, for, from language. Language is the border of our world in which we are not just limited, we are also prisoned by our words. Our thoughts are just word that never being fit with the being. And so as an individual prisoned by our thoughts we can never understand of what is that being and what is all that mean. Wittgenstein claiming that the true way is just talking with the arguments which are fit with phenomens and rules of mathematics. So thats not mean that we understand the origin of mathematics or positivism expose the reality instantly. This because we can say some certain arguments about them frankly. So he finals his work with a short phrase; “Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen.” (“Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.”)After his undegenerated, orginal, maybe crazy life and few texts left behind him, we have one question; if our words are not capable to guide us on the way of seeking truth, if curiosity is not enough to expose anything, if our captivity to ignorance just begin with our first phrase and if we are in a world in where there is nothing defined, as a philosopher what we have to do but screaming?