About Us


ATTENTİON! All of this corpus is about how we roll and riot within the lies of the represented world.


We are last squad who is serving to liberalize the pages of philosopy as a result of its timeless aim. We are chasing new ways of exposing the entellect and understand painting something as an act to signify its content. Our object is not take out anyone from the cave of shadow games. We just want to give you the real content which is not an brillant idea of an designer but which is built by centuries beyond the tragedies and ruins of humanity. 


About the founder: (Mert Akay)

I was born in İstanbul in 1994. I graduated from "Saint Benoit French High School" and then "Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Department of Philosophy". During my student years, I carried out many collective works and took part in the youth formation called "Poedat" for many years. I am currently working in the fashion industry. I expand my works in the context of the ontological goal of simulation.

"Dazayn" is a provocative project whose name comes from the famous term "Dasein" which refers to human for Heidegger and I aim to present various philosophical works in this project. I deal with art in line with the transmission of philosophy, I like to reflect ideas that cannot be consumed in a life time.